Equipes de recherche


Personal Data

Name: Zemmouri    First name: Noureddine   Title: Dr.     Academic Rank: Professor
Date of birth: April 22nd 1960  City: Oued Taga  Country: Algeria
Marital status: Married  Number of children: Three 
Address: University of Biskra B.P. 112 El Allia Nour Biskra 07017 Algeria  
Tel.: +(213) (0) 33 52 22 56 Fax:+(213) (0)33 54 32 66  Mobile :+(213) (0) 5 50 85 63 73              
E-mail: zemmouri@bath.edu
Secondary e-mail : pr.zemmouri@gmail.com      
Url:  http://www.zemmouri.communityarchitect.com/

Universities and schools attended and degrees received
First University Degree: (Architect)
Name of degree: State Degree in Architecture.  Date degree awarded: 1984
School (Department): Institute of Architecture Urban Design and Construction  
Name and location of University: University of Constantine (Algeria)
Specialisation: Architecture

Second University Degree: (Master of philosophy)
Name of degree: Mphil in Building Engineering.  Date degree awarded: 1987      
School (or Faculty): School of Architecture and Building Engineering                         
 Name and location of University: University of Bath (United Kingdom)              
 Specialisation: Building Engineering

Third University Degree: (State Doctorate)
Name of degree: State doctorate.  Date degree awarded: 2005                              
School (or Faculty): School of Architecture/Department of Architecture                         
Name and location of University: University of Southern California (USA)/University of Setif (Algeria)                       
Specialisation: Architecture


Other certificates obtained and advanced courses attended
·         Colchester English Certificate: English for Research and Technology, Colchester English study centre (England) June 1985.
·         Northern Universities Joint Matriculation Board (J.M.B.): Manchester (England) June 1985.  
·         Teaching techniques Architecture studio: University of Bath (England) 1986.
·          Computer Aided Design: University of Bath (England) 1986.  
·          Photogrammetry, architecture and Environmental Design: Jena (Germany) 1996.  
·          Strategies for Developing Effective Presentation Skills: American Management Association Los Angeles (USA) December 2002.
Language Proficiency
·         Arabic
·         English  
·         French

Employment history
Department of Architecture University of Biskra Algeria 1990/Present
·         Executive Director Architecture & Environmental Design Laboratory
·         Professor
·         Head of Department
·         President of the Scientific Board
·         Research Group Leader
School of Architecture University of Southern California Los Angeles USA 2002/2003
·         Visiting Professor Fulbright Program
Department of Renewable Energy, , Environmental Sciences PhD Program, University of Québec at Rimouski, Canada 2007/2008
·         Visiting Professor
Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Human Environment Studies, Kyushu University Japan 2010/2011
·         Visiting Professor
College of Architecture and Design Jordan University of Science and Technology Irbid Jorrdan 2014/2015
·         Visiting Professor TWAS Program
·         UN-Habitat
·         Arab League Educational , Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO)
·         Algerian Ministry of Justice
·         Architecture Studio Inc.

6Extracurricular activities and accomplishments
a)Software development 
·         Code ‘Nour’ : evaluation of interior illuminances under different sky conditions.  
Using Microsoft Fortran.
·         Code ‘Chemss’ : evaluation of irradiances on horizontal and vertical surfaces with
different orientations and under different sky conditions. Using Microsoft Fortran. 
·         Code ‘Mat-Light’: Interior Daylight evaluation under Matlab.
·         Code ‘Fuzzy-Light’: Daylighting evaluation using Fuzzy sets under Matlab.
b)Membership in professional organizations
·         The Society of Building Science Educators (SBSE), USA
·         Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD), UAE
·         Soft Computing in Image Processing (SCIP Group), Belgium
·         Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Switzerland
·         Société Algérienne de l’énergie solaire, Algeria
·         Commission internationale de l’éclairage (CIE), France
·         Arab Science and Technology Foundation (ASTF), UAE
·         World Federation on Soft Computing (WFSC), USA 
c) Honours
·         Scholarship granted by the US State Department (Fulbright Scholar Program) to follow six months of additional graduate research studies and engage in professional activities in the USA (2002-2003).
·         Scholarship granted by the European Commission Tempus III Program (2006), for outstanding performance and to follow a one month research program on Cyber Education at the Catholic University of Louvain la Neuve (UCL) Belgium.
·         Mobility Scholarship granted by the Nato Science Program (2007), for participation at the Advanced Research Workshop(ARW) on Enhancing Security in the Middle East through Regional Cooperation on Renewable Energy, London U.K. January 2008.
·         Mobility Scholarship granted by the Nato Science Program (2009), for participation at the Advanced Research Workshop(ARW) on Achieving Environmental Security Ecosystem Services and Human Welfare, Newport USA July 6-10, 2009.
·         Jeffrey Cook Memorial Award in Building Science Education. Las Vegas USA May 2010.
·         Scholarship granted by the UN-Habitat (2011), for participation at 2nd World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change, Bonn Germany 3-5 June 2011.
·         Fellowship granted by the US Department of State, Open Book Project (2014). OER (Online Education Resources) as an integral method of communication of curriculum in educational courses. USA February-March 2014.
Other experiences
·         Computer aided design: Autocad, Archicad, Surfer, Rhino
·         Software Development: Visual Fortran, Matlab
·         Photogrametry and Architecture: Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
·         Virtual reality and architecture: Lighscape, Daysim, Radiance 3d Studio. 
·         Web Site Construction: Macromedia Fireworks, Dreamweaver and Flash
·         Building Information Modelling: Rhino, Diva, Grasshopper, Energy+, Fluent, Phoenics, TrnSys, Dial+,  
8 Academic References
·         Professor André De Herde, Faculty of applied sciences Université Catholique de Louvain Belgium.
Tel. +32 10 47 26 64
Fax +32 10 47 24 66
Email:doyen@fsa.ucl.ac. be
·         Professor Douglas Noble, USC, School of Architecture Watt Hall 204 Los Angeles CA 90089-0291 USA.
Tel. +1 (213) 740 2723
Fax +1 213 740 8884
Email: dnoble@usc.edu   
·         Professor Marc E. Schiler, USC, School of Architecture Watt Hall 204 Los Angeles CA 90089-0291 USA.
Tel. +1 (213) 740 2723
Fax +1 213 740 8884
Email: marcs@usc.edu
·         Professor Yasunori Akashi  Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656 Japan.
Tel: +81-3-5841-6181
Fax: +81-3-5841-6186
E-mail: akashi@arch.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp